Category: Uncategorized
Rabbit Holes and Delulu Diversions
Whew, anyone feel like there is just SO much happening in the US right now? Lots of political, social and justice happenings since the beginning of the year (please don’t fret, I am not here to chat about parties, what’s right or wrong or what is even going on – just acknowledging that a lot… Read more
Thirty One + random thoughts
Hello, long lost friends! I turned 31 last week (eww, something about being an odd-numbered age annoys me, lol). There were a few birthday festivities to be had and I enjoyed them all. But I’ll tell you one thing I am not loving about 31 (and being an adult really) is the dental work I’ve… Read more
Books, books, books📚
Anyone wanna chat books? I love to read, I always have and I’ve recently started wanting to be a writer of any kind (starting slow with a blog). At the end of 2021 I started keeping track of my reading and setting goals for myself in Goodreads. Late 2022 into early 2023, I went to… Read more
My year of goals
Hello from February 👋🏼 Have your “New Year, New Me” feelings and motivations worn off yet? Mine haven’t – wanna know why? Because I’m still adding to my list 🤪 and I will keep adding, deleting, changing and checking them off all year long. I think so many of us lose sight of our goals… Read more
The Collector
Does anyone else collect? And I don’t mean any one thing in particular, I mean anything or everything? I’ll have to do more research into ADHD to see if there is a tie there as well, beyond collecting hobbies which we all seem to do nowadays; but, within the last year I realized that I… Read more
Welcome one and all
Welcome one and all, to Chaotically Kaleigh – apparently I am greeting you like you’re going to the circus, and honestly, you might as well be with how I envision this blog will become. My brain often feels like a circus of to-do lists, ideas, thoughts, flashbacks, cats and who knows what else; which is… Read more